Perennial Gift List

Now, here's a genuinely useful application of the internet to everyday life--my little contribution to a paperless society. Rather than continue my semiannual reinvention of the wheel, I hereby set down my birthday and Christmas (and whatever else, I suppose) gift list for the edification of all people everywhere. From now on I need only update it from time to time. if it doesn't seem current:
last updated 12/12/2005

Bike Stuff

I may be overdoing it by making this a category, but I'm suddenly spending a lot of time on a bike, and almost as much tinkering with it, seeing as how I got me an old cheapie. Thinking back to my life before Manhattan, I see little reason to imagine that this will ever cease to be the case.



Here I can do a lot by referring you to my Amazon wishlist before talking any more about it. And I'll go on updating that. But Amazon lists only specific titles, whereas categories and guidelines can be as useful or more so for gift-hunters...


As "Books" above, see my Amazon wishlist for a lot of particulars, and more in the future. But then add these things to the pile:


As "Books and "Audio," see Amazon as well as the following.

Household Goods

Musical Doodads

Always in demand, but frequently expensive...


Not much to put here, I don't think, but over time maybe there will be...

Other Odds and Ends
