GI Quinn

lights! camera! action!





Interesting Factoids

  • My lowest blood pressure was 87/45.

  • My average resting pulse rate was >80bpm.

  • Conclusion: I'm quite healthy for a hummingbird.

  • Demerol works very well on me.

  • Several hours later I still couldn't remember that it was several hours later.

  • The quality of the prep was "excellent".

  • Performing the prep the night before was "fucking torture".

  • From the hospital discharge instructions:
    3. Do not make important personal or business decisions, or sign any legal documents for 24 hours.

  • In fact I authored most of this webpage less than 6 hours after my hospital discharge.
    What have people said about this site?
    What might you say yourself?
  • 12/23/98: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy at Emmanuel Hospital

    Through the power of advancements in diagnostic procedure and communications I can, as a woman of the 90's, share with the all the world what I would not have been able to share with even my most intimate partners only a few years ago. (especially if I wanted to keep them.)

    Isn't the Internet remarkable?

    Pictures very close to my heart...

      ...actually, just a little to the right...

    Looking down the pit of doom for a life time's worth of frozen burritos, everything seems happily enough in order. Doesn't this feel like spelunking, but squishier?

    Approaching the reason for this season... the gastro-esophageal junction: as you can plainly see, it is irregular. Thank god I am one of those red blooded common sense Americans with clearly labeled organs. They took a biopsy from here but promised to give it back. (this is a bit of me that causes no end of trouble. since it doesn't close properly you can turn me upside down and shake a bit to see what's inside. you didn't need that visual, did you?) I'll be sure and update my site just as soon as someone tells me what irregular is.

    ah..! The good ol' pyloric sphincter, just like grandma used to have. Another one of those little things in life you never miss til it's gone. I think it's cute.

    I have no idea what this is, but it looks important. Or it looks like pate, I can't decide. Anyway, it's a normal, healthy... thing. Can you imagine what it would look like sick?

    Deep in the bowels of my website..

      ... how I discovered that all nasty images of evil aliens are based on the human colon...

    Ok, so I know it's a bit weird looking at that and thinking this is the inside of a living breathing human. It's deeply bizarre looking at that and thinking, hey- that's me. thank god this wasn't around when they were looking for "candids" for the high school yearbook.

    This is my impression of Cthulhu getting a glaucoma test.

    I really liked this picture. It was reassuring, it was the kind of clean picture of a colon that makes you say "Sure! Pass the fiber! Bring on the bran! I'm ready for it all!" I mean, you can tell that's one good looking colon. I'm thinking of sprucing it up a bit and putting it on next year's xmas cards.

    "Open the pod bay doors, HAL."

    Well, that's all I know for now, but as I learn more about these images and my body and forget more about tact... I'm sure to update this site. In the mean time, wish me luck....
